Picture of a person's hand holding a smart phone out in front of a car steering wheel. The phone's screen says: 911 EMERGENCY NUMBER
Emergency Services
At W.J. Mangold Memorial Hospital, we're dedicated to overcoming your fears regarding emergency visits with our professional, experienced and compassionate staff. From a child's ear ache to a life threatening heart attack, we are here for the people of the region. In 2020 we had a vision to create an emergency department staffed with dedicated physicians specifically recruited to provide high quality and compassionate care to the residents of our community and surrounding areas. In 2021 that vision was completed as Dr. Augustyniak and Dr. Ireland began covering our emergency department on a regular basis. In August of 2022 we expanded the service and recruited a third full-time physician, Dr. Emily Capt, to join our team. Our physicians have certifications in Advanced Cardiovascular Life Support (ACLS), Advanced Trauma Life Support (ATLS), and Pediatric Advanced Life Support (PALS). Trained in Texas and raised in small communities, our E.R. physicians understand the culture and medical needs of our residents and provide the personal care and attention that all patients should expect. In addition, many of the E.R. nurses are certified through the Trauma Nurse Core Course (TNCC). We are open 24 hours per day, 365 days per year and have 1 trauma/cardiac room with specialized equipment for these types of emergencies and 3 other treatment bays for general care. Life flight service/heliport is readily available if the patient needs more advanced critical care. Our department sees approximately 2,400 emergency patients per year.